Cooler | 2010-04-09 19:43:54 |
New version - 1.8 has released!
It contains 12 new premium cards, while old premium cards became regular cards and now they're available for all players.
Beside new cards, new version features some small improvements:
- You can see your mental power in your profile along with mental progress bar which shows how soon your MP will grow.
- Sharp font when the game image is stretched (to improve readability).
- Stretching with maintaining of aspect ratio (for wide screens).
- More reliable login procedure (for non-stable internet connection).
- A duel will start immediately if proposed to a player who is in "Autosearch" state.
+++vul+++ | 2010-04-09 23:42:11 |
:D at last
where to get ?
Luischo | 2010-04-11 12:00:09 |
Nice work! Is nice to see the work keeps going, and with good quality! Congrats...
Dont knew where to post this, so I drop it here:
Any work on adding spanish port? I can help if you like. And a litle request, can you add a configuration over options, to choose the new streching or leaving like the last version?
Thanx a lot and keep the nice working... Saludos desde Argentina :)
Luischo kokain2 | 2010-04-11 22:25:54 |
magic rabbit is the strongest card ever.. Now this is the new Angel card.. need to made weaker or higher mp cost.. Modified by kokain2 on 2010-04-11 22:41:52 borsiu | 2010-04-19 19:34:44 |
polish version please:).i can help
Noctilucus | 2010-05-10 09:44:30 |
When could we expect version 1.8 to be available on Impulse? Thanks!
Asydius | 2010-07-13 21:33:37 |
Yes, good work. Now if one wants to win, all they need to do is pay the premium and have moderate skill and, unless they are playing another premium player, the game is so imbalanced they are guaranteed to win. If playing another premium player, it all depends on who gets the best first turn draw, so they either win on the first or second turn. That's not exactly what I call improvement, but I guess a lot of players dig it.
kokain2 | 2010-07-18 18:38:24 |
support equal nothing..
Akragon | 2010-07-18 22:23:21 |
Love the exp bar, awsome...
More cards please?

RenegatuS | 2010-07-20 17:35:35 |
where can I get Russian version ?? someone please, give a link
kokain2 | 2010-07-23 23:16:09 |
no answer..thats phatetic...
Arthur Frost | 2010-08-08 03:08:30 |
sorry to say, but exluding the new player`s I only seem to encounter deck`s that are made of merfolk apostate, winged avenger and winged judge, and a sorry excuse of something else. I like to play this game for making decks and trying them out. I don`t care for looosing but it annoying for me play this game when only one player of four has an different deck. Yes I know you can`t do anything about it in the game. OVERALL: I personally don`t care if I lose or win when I`m having a good game.
T: Arthur McKabe A.K.A Sandro88
myteenae | 2010-10-02 15:08:45 |
I can download the new release but it comes up as a trial version and my registration key does not work. I purchased the game ooriginally through Oberon Media. the last version that I have is 1.6 and it would not take me to the server
Don McNabb | 2010-11-24 01:50:42 |
I LOVE the autosearch feature. It forces me to play higher levels of players and lower leveled players will also play higher leveled players. I hope that you implement this feature into Spectromancer soon.
Mental progress bar is a great feature too, but I'm done playing custom. Wish I had this 2 years ago, but nice feature!!!
I don't like the premium feature because you have to pay per month. If you got to unlock the premium cards with a one-time fee I'd buy it. I also don't want to play anyone with premium. It probably makes more money charging per month though so it's still a good idea.
Thanks for the updates!
Don McNabb | 2010-12-01 22:51:09 |
The only thing that I don't like is that players without premium using
classic decks still have premium cards! Sometimes I can't do anyting
on turn 1 or 2 because the only cards that I start with cost 1 or 2.
Also, toward the end of the game when no one has any cards except for
the one given at the beginning of each turn, that card is sometimes a
premium card. Classic got slightly worse because you can't use premium
garwood | 2010-12-13 08:32:27 |
i have the same problem myteenae i have my activation code from my old version but it doesnt give me any option to put it in.
masjwar | 2010-12-24 16:36:57 |
Not sure this will work, but if I am understanding Garwood and Myteenae correctly, try this.
(of course that has to be the proper location or else you change it)
-- edited to correct faulty link Modified by masjwar on 2010-12-24 16:38:55
New version - 1.8 has released! It contains 12 new premium cards, while old premium cards became regular cards and now they're available for all players. Beside new cards, new version features some small improvements: - You can see your mental power in your profile along with mental progress bar which shows how soon your MP will grow. - Sharp font when the game image is stretched (to improve readability). - Stretching with maintaining of aspect ratio (for wide screens). - More reliable login procedure (for non-stable internet connection). - A duel will start immediately if proposed to a player who is in "Autosearch" state.
infinite1245 | 2012-01-27 14:08:21 |
how to play this web i had just play and im a begginer
Crematory | 2013-02-08 12:41:57 |
Wow, finally a new version. Very sad that it happened so late that I've lost interest withing a game :(
Arwulf | 2013-04-26 09:19:56 |
It would be nice if it would be possible to sort cards based on casting cost, card type or attack power for instance. Now it is only sortable by in-game card cost, which is a bit odd :)
zhiwar x | 2013-06-30 04:09:26 |
how to update it please I cant get it ? 